A week before Christmas and all through the house

not a creature was stirring not even a mouse.

It’s been a a steady pace over here in my neighborhood the last several weeks. Still not in the Christmas Spirit, or any spirit for that matter. That being said, I try each day to create a quick digidoodle in hopes of finding that Holiday Good Cheer. The image below shows a few of the month challenge that some days I struggle to keep up with. They are all posted on my Instagram account (one of those buttons up in the corner or down below) if you are interested seeing each day.

A Christmas Challenge 2018

A Christmas Challenge 2018

As we move to the end of 2018 I am pondering what new beginnings I want to take on in 2019. 2018 was definitely the end of a few chapters in my story. Having learned some valuable lessons its time to move on to the next level of learning. Hopefully the lessons have been learned and I will not have to repeat some of the harder points that I passed through during this year.

So, as I ponder a few more fine points as to where I need to be, or show up at in 2019, I will be putting a kettle on and enjoying a few cups of tea and coffee deciding what 2019 will look like in my imagination.

As always stay tuned,


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Mystical Medusa a.k.a. Sheree Greek

Ides of August

Well, this summer is passing by all too fast. I barely get a start on things and the ground shifts in another direction.

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The astrologers are chalking it up to eclipse season, and all answers will be clear by the middle of September. I am hoping so, because there are too many questions that are unanswered in my realm this season.

Like -Should I stay or should I go?

Jobs in my neighborhood have been relatively short supply this Summer. I have been picking up some odds and ends but nothing that steadily cover the bills. Timing was not on my side in these matters at all.

So, the next decision I had you make was to give up my art studio on Cannery Row. This studio has been the calm in my storms over the last 3 years. My sales never paid the rent and this Summer everything seemed to dry up in said sales department. So, I have decided to cut this cord loose.

I have loved being down on Cannery Row, all the old history and fisherman tales, it's quite intriguing. As the rents increased and the availability of no water for clean up became more annoying, I realized last month that this was no longer the right space for me.

The other piece of the story was- should I move back east to be closer to my Family? I thought that the answer was yes back at the end of July. The Universe has clearly had another plan for me, and that story is unfolding. Truth be told I am waiting patiently for the enlightenment.

So, I am in the middle of a major clearing of a 7 x10 foot storage unit and packing up Medusa's Emporium. Yikes what have I gotten myself into. As of September 30th this will no longer be my home away from home. A bit melancholy yes, but excitement for a new adventure is stirring,

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Well, so many things to do -here, there and everywhere... Time to get cracking.

Yes, my Tarot Majors series was suppose to start today. That just went to the back burner. I think my next post will be about the backstory for that project... stay tuned.

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Until next time-

Cheers Dears from Mystical Medusa a. k. a. sheree greek



Time Flies when you are having fun...

and it flies even when you are not having fun. It flies my friends- morning.noon.night

So I hid this blog for a couple of years not feeling the need to speak my mind about all things My World, but that changed today when I received an invitation to join an art/bloggers group.

Thank you Gesso Primed for the invite, I'm excited to inspire and be inspired.

So tonite I get more acquainted with the group and make a plan to do the work. Its time to start showing up again and I intend to do just that.

There are changes in the works on a couple of fronts and I am hoping that they will happen quickly, although everything does truly arrive when it's suppose to. 

So let's get this party started...

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