Well sort of.
When I last signed on, I knew my subscription would be up the end of March for this year’s broadcast of my website.
The website has been a bit of a thorn in my side since I closed the business in late 2018. Should I keep it, or should I let it go? Should I add a shopping site or leave the Etsy page in place? I still don’t have the answers to these questions, but as a late Birthday gift to myself, I decided to take a bit of my stimulus money and re-up the website for another year. Cheers to me!
Shortly after my last post, the part-time job that I have been working at for the last 5 months was asked to close due to the Corona Virus Pandemic of 2020. We were situated in a Mall, so it was no surprise when the directive from corporate came down to close the doors. They paid us for 2 weeks and then furloughed everyone except the manager. The whole episode is still pretty crazy. Even as some states are opening or trying to open.
Our Mall has reopened and corporate is going through stages to get the store back open to customers. Unfortunately, retail as we knew it is gone, and something new will emerge. I am a “touchy, feely” girl so I will miss all the choices that were once available in the hands-on world.
Meanwhile back at the ranch…
We became dutiful citizens that agreed to an imposed lockdown. I always have lots to do and learn when not on someone else’s clock. I would like to get my art business back up and running. This takes me sitting my butt in the chair and producing pieces that can be added to my Etsy shop. This part is a daily work in progress. I also enjoy learning new things to grow creatively and produce new products for my shop. I decided to join Skillshare.com to add some new tricks to my skill set. It’s all been good. But, truth be told I miss my crazy co-workers (“it takes one to know one”) and the interesting customers that come into the shop. I’m yearning to be back out in the world.
During the month of April, I did a creative challenge on Instagram. It was fun. I mixed hand drawing and digital art for each of the 30 days prompt. The piece you see above was a response to the prompt word “ broom.” This image came to mind when I read the magical prompt. Over the next few blog posts, I will share my favorites unless there is Earth-shattering news (not).
So, here I am waiting for the world lights to go back on. My hope and prayers are that we stupid humans don’t screw it up and have to go back in lockdown. WORD!!! Stay safe, vigilant , and healthy my friends and we will see you back here soon.
Peace Out,
sheree A.K.A Mystical Medusa