March 4, Trials and Errors

March 4, 2020

Day 4 Challg20.jpg


"Being an artist... a lot of what it really means is trial and error. Trying things that don't work... that's how you learn." - Autumn de Forest


Today's quote was long, to use it in my image, I would have to shorten the length. After paraphrasing, the truth rang out. There are many pieces that I work on that will never see the light of day. Some have too much detail, others have too little or the color balance is wrong. These images may be discarded altogether or held in a file for another day.


The inspiration image for this piece was a beautiful girl/woman wearing a crown of Crayola crayons- "Oh, the possibilities".

Some trials and errors did go into this finished piece.

Most of the digital pieces I created for the February Creators Challenge have ten to twenty Photoshop layers within them. They all are twisted and turned to bring to life the mood I wish to create for the finished piece. This process can go smooth or it can be a bumpy ride. At times my timeline runs out and I just need to post. Make no mistake, that which I couldn't finish will go smoother from the experimentation in a future piece.


I liked this finished piece and it came together relatively easily. It represents the core of most of my work. Beautiful girls, women, and matrons in beautiful places and spaces.


And who wouldn't want a crown of many colors? Send one my way, please.


Until tomorrow-

sheree greek A.K.A Mystical Medusa

March 2- Musings from the challenge

March 2, 2020

day2 Feb Chall.jpg


"It is not a torment to be an artist, it is a privilege." - Louise Bourgeois


This was the only day during the challenge that I was able to paint. Sometimes when I paint, I plan out the whole scene, and sometimes I will paint in pieces. These pieces are the beginning of a scene that came to me, out of the blue, back in January.


Over the past several years a story has been running around in my head about a Traveller girl who visits lost places and meets wonderful creatures. 


This Traveler girl has been featured in my paintings over the years in several of my paintings. Here are a few, with many more needed. 

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So back to the quote. 


Time seems to be my torment, not the art. I seem to get lost in paintings when I am working on them. I once had a teacher that recommended setting a timer for 20 minutes daily. Take this time to sit and do some work. After 21 days it becomes the habit.


Blocking out any time doesn't seem to be in my picture these days. Life work/balance is also a torment. I have managed the balance in the past, it seems to elude me these days.


To be clear, I have always considered it an honor to wear the title, Artist. I may not always step up to the challenge, but I know that it is my true calling.


My Traveller girl story will need to wait for another day.


See you all tomorrow-

sheree greek A.K.A Mystical Medusa

Today is the Day

The movers come today to pick up the boxes of large things from my storage unit. The car movers come Sunday/ Monday, they needed a 2 day window and will call two hours before they arrive. I leave Wednesday September 25th.

and so it goes, The Long Good-Bye.

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Time is moving in slow motion in some moments and sped up in others. Everyday I would ask myself if there was something I wanted to see one more time in this wondrous place? I have tried to take that piece of beauty on one last time.

I am leaving the Monterey Peninsula area with a pocket full of wonderful memories, and bunch of knowledge about myself and others. I am thankful for the glorious, the mediocre situations, and the disappointments. These experiences were all part of a bigger plan- which is yet to unfold.

This post will be short and sweet and hopefully my computer will make it safe and sound to the other side so we all can chat again. In the meantime, I will be experimenting with my Squarespace app on my iPad. Never worry I will be checking in on IG, and Facebook as the journey continues.

See you all soon- sheree greek A.K.A. mystical medusa