The movers come today to pick up the boxes of large things from my storage unit. The car movers come Sunday/ Monday, they needed a 2 day window and will call two hours before they arrive. I leave Wednesday September 25th.
and so it goes, The Long Good-Bye.
Time is moving in slow motion in some moments and sped up in others. Everyday I would ask myself if there was something I wanted to see one more time in this wondrous place? I have tried to take that piece of beauty on one last time.
I am leaving the Monterey Peninsula area with a pocket full of wonderful memories, and bunch of knowledge about myself and others. I am thankful for the glorious, the mediocre situations, and the disappointments. These experiences were all part of a bigger plan- which is yet to unfold.
This post will be short and sweet and hopefully my computer will make it safe and sound to the other side so we all can chat again. In the meantime, I will be experimenting with my Squarespace app on my iPad. Never worry I will be checking in on IG, and Facebook as the journey continues.
See you all soon- sheree greek A.K.A. mystical medusa