Yes, I know, I have been MIA on blog posts the last few months. A move I thought was imminent has been tabled for a later date. Finances aren’t allowing me to wrap up some much needed payments before I take on a few new beginnings. With nothing falling into place I am feeling the drift.
Tying up loose strings with a couple of endings… and the Universe shining the light on a few more completions that are yet to be determined- “ all in good time” is buzzing in my ear. I am learning patience if nothing else, in this season of retrograde planets.
There were heartfelt loses that occurred this early Fall. Lovely ladies that were gone way before their time. I didn’t know either of them personally, but I felt the ache in my heart for the families left behind. Endings usually bring new beginnings, and ways of looking to the future. It has been said before but I will remind you all again “Cancer Sucks”! Prayers sent for all those suffering with this vicious disease and the loss of loved ones taken much before their time.
And time rolls on…
I had the opportunity to enroll in an online Tea Leaf reading course. It runs until the end of October, moments I can steal away to engage in the material has lifted my soul. Will I be a top tea leaf reader, time will tell? It will add another dimension to my tarot and palm selections and it will be fun. Don’t forget the fun you all. It keeps life sweet.
And with that I am off and running. The Sun is shining and it does feel good to breath in deeply and reflect on all that I love.
In the meantime I will be seeking some anchors for that drift-
Later Gators-
Mystical Medusa a.k.a Sheree Greek