Day 9- Tune into the song- Your Life
I haven’t posted anything the last few days but I have been finding my way to my keyboard. It wasn’t that I was blocked, but nothing seemed worthy to post. Hopefully today is the day my thoughts and passages are worthy of a post to my blog.
It has been a challenging week on several fronts. Computer glitches, money hitches and the passing of a dear friend.
A big fat “why now?” has been dangling in front of me as I plow through life’s day-to-day stuff.
Not that writing my daily pages went to the back burner, but the more pressing thoughts would overpower the writing. Whatever structure I tried to aim for in the the story, the messages seemed to fall apart before I could find the closing.
So here I am today, on Day 9, determined to write something with a beginning middle and end.
When I read the prompt from a few days ago “Wild Horses” of creativity… the Rolling Stone’s song by that name started playing in my head. I had always played that song in times of sorrow over lost love. The last couple of days I was nudged to look at the lyrics from a different point of view.
Childhood living is easy to do.
The things you wanted
I bought them for you.
Graceless lady
you know how I am
you know I can't let you
slide through my hands.
Wild horses
couldn't drag me away.
Wild, wild horses
couldn't drag me away.
I watched you suffer
a dull aching pain.
Now you decided to
show me the same.
But no sweeping exits or offstage lines
could make me feel bitter or treat you unkind.
Wild Horses
couldn't drag me away.
Wild, wild horses
couldn't drag me away.
I know I dreamed you
a sin and a lie
I got my freedom
but I don't have much time.
Faith has been broken
and tears must be cried
let's do some living
after love dies.
Wild Horses
couldn't drag me away.
Wild, wild horses
we'll ride them someday
Wild Horses
couldn't drag me away.
Wild, wild horses
we'll ride them someday.
Yes, when I read the lyrics and about what the author intended, it was about a sad love gone wrong story. I wasn’t sure why this song was playing in my head?
This week a friend transitioned to the other side, she was 37 years old. The lyrics to Wild Horses remind me of her and her journey on this earth plane. It wasn’t an easy one for her. She had several bad relationships and yearned for someone to love and comfort her. All this affected her health. Bad habits, and not heeding Doctors warnings caused her vital organs to shut down over the course of the last several weeks.
I know it broke her parents’ hearts to give consent to turn off the life support machines a few days ago- “faith had been broken and tears must be cried”. I pray they find comfort in all the prayers offered for them and for their girl’s eternal soul.
“ I watched you suffer a dull aching pain…wild horses we will ride them someday… she got her freedom but I don’t have mine… wild horses we’ll ride them someday…let’s do some living…” The Rolling Stones said it better than I ever could.
So, today I am going to listen to a few of my favorite upbeat songs. Sing and dance for all of life’s beautiful possibilities. Reminding myself that no matter how hard this life and journey is, the power of song and laughter will get me through the day.
Ok, so now I hearing Wham’s “Wake me up before you go-go…”
I’m off to Google and read the entire set of lyrics from that Wham song. It may give me a clue what this day holds.
Have a great one you all and stay safe. -sheree