When the 4th of July appears on the calendar this is my signal to get busy with Summer. You know walks on the beach. Waiting for the moon to appear on those long slow evenings. Cooking outside or inside? Any or all of the above for me.
So off I go looking for the ideal summer stay-cation. Well maybe tomorrow, because there's some work started at Medusa's Emporium and it does need to be completed.
I have been working on sketches for my next "Dream " portrait. The painting on the easel is the start of the background and the image of the girl has been laid in (although not in this photo). So far so good.
I have also been asked to participate in a project that is very exciting for me. Stay tuned- I am still getting the news together.
I will be chasing my Summer dreams the next few weeks and not sure how much time I will have to check in here...but I will when I have news about town.
Stay Calm and carry on with the Best possible Summer you could ever have. I'm giving it my best shot!